Meet the Experts: Image Forensics in the AI Era

Meet the Experts: Image Forensics in the AI Era

This is a unique opportunity to learn from a global expert in multimedia forensics. Gain insights into how modern tools address the challenges posed by AI-generated deepfakes and understand their implications for the future of image authentication.

The rise of advanced AI tools capable of generating photorealistic synthetic images presents a serious challenge to image authentication. These tools use sophisticated, evolving generation processes, making them difficult to model and analyze. In this webinar, we will delve into the critical threats posed by AI-driven image-generation tools and explore cutting-edge methodologies for detecting inconsistencies in synthetically generated images.

About the Expert:
Dr. Massimo Luliani, a leading authority in multimedia forensics, earned his Ph.D. in Mathematics in 2017, specialising in image and video authentication. With extensive experience in EU and DARPA-funded research projects, he has authored over 20 publications on multimedia forensics and image security.

As a member of FORLAB (Multimedia Forensics Laboratory at PIN scrl, University of Florence), Dr. Massimo has provided expert witness testimony in forensic cases involving digital images and videos. Currently, as a Forensic Analyst at Amped, he contributes to research, develops cutting-edge authentication tools, and provides training for law enforcement agencies worldwide.

Event Information

Event Date 29.01.2025 4:00 pm
Event End Date 29.01.2025 5:00 pm
Cut Off Date 30.01.2025
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free
