The 1st platform for the European Crime Analysis community!
Welcome Crime analysts, this is your new home for getting connected to colleagues, students, analysis experts and more!
1. Watch our latest webinar
See an outstandig webinar about child trafficking during the war in the Ukraine and how our partner company "Paliscope" helped and still helps the Ukraine police to find the stolen children! Video will switch to Youtube direktly due to age restrictions.
Ukraine's stolen children
2. Welcome Noémi Eckhoff as the EACA delegate in the U.S.!
Noémi is one of the first of our members from the U.S. and a valued and extremely popular presenter at all EACA conferences. We have asked her to be available as a delegate to the EACA in her home country and she has already agreed. Find more about Noémi below in her statement and feel free to contact her if you need her assistance! Find more about Noémi in our member area:
Fellow Analysts!
Let's get started!
Sign up for your free membership. Think about what you can bring in helping others to benefit from your experience!
But we will not only learn from each other: Our main partner is the European Forensic Institute (EFI). In the near future this university will provide us with high quality trainings, some free, some for a moderate rate. This year the EFI will started a masters course in Cyber Security, Digital Forensics and Crime Analysis.